miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016


In the framework of EXPO 2015, hosted by Milan in Italy from May 1rst until October 31rst 2015, ACT lighting design was commissioned to create and develop the lighting scenography of an iconic installation: the "Tree of Life" / "Albero della Vita".

The project was inspired by the drawing of Michelangelo Buonarroti and designed by Marco Balich and studio Gioforma, artistic director of the Italian Pavilion of Expo 2015. The structure was built by Orgoglio Brescia. Koert Vermeulen joined the creative team as Lighting Designer & Director of Mise-en-Scene.

Installed in the middle of Lake Arena, the "Tree of Life" interactive structure with an inner skeleton made of steel and an outer cover in wood, is over 30 meters high. On top of this gigantic trunk stands a hat that simulates the intertwined branches of a tree, with a diameter of 45 meters. 

For this monument with its advanced technology, constantly illuminated with LED lights, Koert Vermeulen & ACTLD created in total 1260 shows to produce the genuine dynamic effects through a play of light, video, water, fireworks, as well as bubbles and sounds. The Tree of Life change as the hours go by, becoming the center for many of the events in the Pavilion's extensive schedule.
A project by Balich Worldwide Shows
Concept: Marco Balich
Design: Studio Gioforma.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016


La Catedral de Cadiz esta situada en el centro histórico, pegada al mar y visible desde cualquier rincón de la ciudad. Su construcción se empezó a realizar en 1722 y finalizo en noviembre de 1838.
El edificio es de estilo Barroco y neoclásico, bajo el altar mayor se encuentra la cripta, situada bajo el nivel
del mar, donde descansan los restos de los ilustres gaditanos Manuel de Falla y Jose María Pemán... continuara.

Museo​s​ del Mundo: visitas online.

Museos: invitados en línea
Por el bien de la cultura, les deseo excelentes vistas.
Para guardar y va la venta lentamente.
del Mundo


Vale a visita em dois museus:
Castro Maia - Açude e Chácara do Céu - são dois primores.
O do Açude tem uma localização bucólica, porcelanas da Cia das Ìndias, Debrets...

www.mamrio.com.br/ Museu de Arte Moderna - Rio de Janeiro De linhas retas, jardins de Burle Marx,
temAnita Malfatti, Di Cavalcanti, Portinari...
www.mnba.gov.br/   Museu Nacional de Belas Artes - Rio de Janeiro. Prédio em estilo renascentista.
Tem Victor Meireles, Rodolfo Amoedo, Almeida Jr. Eliseu Visconti.
Coleção de barrocos italianos e 8 obras de Franz Post.

www.tempero.com.br/dicas/museus.htm Essesite dá boas indicações de museus.

www.museuimperial.gov.br/Petr ópolis-RJ - Imperdível. Tem até
espetáculo de son et lumière duas vezes por semana.

São Paulo

www.masp.art.br Museu de Arte de São Paulo - São Paulo - Velasquez, Rembrandt, Rafael, Cézanne,
Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, Matisse, Picasso...

www.mam.org.br MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna - São Paulo Veja obras de Tarsila do Amaral,
Anita Malfatti, Tomie Otake...